Our Story


Foible started from an appreciation of the the handmade. Especially natural, tactile materials and minimalistic aesthetics. Inspired by several artists and makers, we began a journey into the world of crafts.

At first the focus was on seasonal projects suitable for children. Studying and trying their projects led to rediscovering the joys of making things with our own hands. And noticing how it grounds us in the moment and quiets the mind.

When experimenting with crafts, children are naturally drawn to join in. That’s why Foible doesn’t offer kits and materials separately for adults and for children. All projects are suited to work on together or on your own. All curious people are welcome.


Our Intentions



Lowering Boundaries

Creativity is for everyone. We aim to lower the boundaries to creative activity, and make it easier for people to start and enjoy making.




We believe that activities can be more meaningful with quality materials and clear guidance. Sensory, tactile crafts can ground us to projects and people here and now, right in front of us.




Simple, timeless, quality materials make crafts worthwhile. So we offer thoughtfully chosen essentials, easy to use, just enough, sourced close by whenever possible.




The act of creating can reconnect us with intuition, awaken curiosity, and strengthen self-trust. By letting go of perfection we can make space for possibilities.


Who am I?

My name is Fleur. I live in Amsterdam with my partner and two sons, and work as a creative project manager. Somewhere in the spaces between, I look for chances to slow down.

I started Foible from a personal desire to make things. My aim is to share the materials and crafts that I’ve discovered in my journey.


Find your passion project.